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Another Way To Lose
Cold Nights
Sun Comes Up
In Search Of Water
Autumn Leaves
Beat Up
Melbourne Glows

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Smooth - A Half A Cow Compilation
Bambino Koresh, The Nagging Doubts, Machine Translations, The Lost Husky, Rural France, I do You do Karate, The Brutals, Spokaine, Agnes Kain, Conrad Greenleaf, Blooming Heck, The Likes Of You, Bernie Hayes, Wilding, Warmer, You & Your So-Called Friends, Key Out, The Hummingbirds, Seventeen, Amy Livingstone, Shouties, Art of Fighting, Treetops, The Kombi Nation, Katie Whyte, Chewee, Basted, Nic Dalton and his Gloomchasers, When Saturday Comes, Plunderers
Red Electric Noodle - A Half A Cow Compilation
The Triangles, Warmer, Smudge, La Huva, Spokaine, The Wednesday Night, Python Lee Jackson, Mikl G, Art of Fighting, Tom Morgan, Nic Dalton, Swirl, The Eastern Dark, The Likes Of You, Agnes Kain, Godstar, The Coloured Balls, Portal Window, Bernie Hayes, You & Your So-Called Friends, The Proposition, The Missing Links, Wilding, Rural France, The Brutals, The Plunderers, The Hotpoints, Spdfgh
Summer Buzz - A Half A Cow Compilation
The Triangles, Tom Morgan, Portal Window, Smudge, Rural France, Swirl, Blooming Heck, Sidewinder, Plunderers, Love Parade, June Jones, Real Life Permanent Dream, Godstar, The Ramalamas, Neo-Magics, The Hotpoints, Warmer, Kim Salmon and the Business, The Brutals, Fuzzy, The Purple Hearts, Love Positions, Key Out, The Wednesday Night, La Huva, The Eastern Dark, Wilding, The Burton Cool Suit, Conrad Greenleaf, Bernie Hayes, Spokaine, The Likes Of You, You & Your So-Called Friends, Nic Dalton, John Dowler's Vanity Project, Pip Proud, The Gallant Trees, The Proposition, The Daisygrinders, The Missing Links, Agnes Kain, 2 Litre Dolby, The Coloured Balls
Faded Signs - A Half A Cow Compilation
Katie Whyte, Treetops, Portal Window, Ron, Stellar, Saturday Maybe, Seventeen, Spokaine, The Wednesday Night, The Lost Husky, Rural France, La Huva, Sierra Fin, The Burton Cool Suit, Tom Morgan, Austin, When Saturday Comes, Moses, Shouties, The Eastern Dark, Basted, Claire Birchall and the Phantom Hitchhikers, Love & Death, Wilding, The Gallant Trees, Warmer, The Likes Of You, The Ramalamas, Kid Cornered & the Ice Chest Orchestra, Girls With Money, Crow, Conrad Greenleaf, The Proposition