Prague National Theatre Chorus

Prague National Theatre ChorusМузыкант


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The Excursions of Mr. Brouček, JWI/7, Pt. 1: Act II, Dance - You Clown, You! - You, Titan of Songs! Brouček, Glorious Rainbow, Harper, Wonderglitter, Child prodigy
Don Giovanni, ., Act II: "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco" Don Giovanni, Komtur, Leporello
Mother, ., Scene 4: "Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! - Hey, Best Man, Sing a Farewell Song" Křen, sedlák, Maruša, jeho žena, Otec Marušin, Družička, Družba
Julietta The Key to Dreams, ., Act I, Scene 6 - 7: "What´s up? - What Hotel? - I Believe...It´s a Toy" Michel, Komisař, listonoš, Muž s helmou, Muž v okně, Malý Arab, Starý Arab
Libuše, Act I, Scene 1: "Act I" Libuše, Přemysl ze Stadic, Chrudoš od Otavy, Šťáhlav na Radbuze, Krasava, Radmila, Lutobor, Radovan Live

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