Участие в релизах
Worlds Greatest Rock Anthems - The Only Rock Album You'll Ever Need !
Karaoke Allstars, Easy Listeners, Adrenalin Rockers, Karaoke Rockstars, Rock Giants, Rock Rebels, Masters of Rock, myTones, The Rock Masters
Strictly Rock - The Greatest Rock Anthems Ever!
Karaoke Allstars, Easy Listeners, Adrenalin Rockers, Karaoke Rockstars, Rock Giants, Rock Rebels, Masters of Rock, myTones, The Rock Masters
Worlds Best Skiing Playlist - The Greatest Ever Skiing Rock Hits of All Time - The Perfect Playlist for Skiing & Snowboarding
Karaoke Allstars, Easy Listeners, Adrenalin Rockers, Karaoke Rockstars, Rock Giants, Rock Rebels, Masters of Rock, myTones, The Rock Masters
Ultimate Rock Anthems - The Greatest Rock Classics of All Time !
Karaoke Allstars, Easy Listeners, Adrenalin Rockers, Karaoke Rockstars, Rock Giants, Rock Rebels, Masters of Rock, myTones, The Rock Masters